Sunday, October 26, 2008

Please welcome Dimetrodon


This hume male started out DRK, and then took SAM, PLD, and WAR to 75 as well - but he has never forgotten his first love. A quintessential DD, Ellion recently finished upgrading the relic great sword, Ragnarok. While he is an excellent tank and will even agree to go as PLD to certain events, with the completion of Ragnarok, he is most often seen on DRK these days. Ell's endgame experience includes Sky, Sea, Einherjar, Dynamis (uh, duh?), Limbus, Salvage, and ground kings.


In another reality, this heavy-hitting hume can be found healing his party as the pimpin' Elvaan WHM, Dimetrodon. Indeed, Dime really is the pimp of the group - of the 6 members of the MoG Squad, he is the only male character! He started out as RDM, and is now bringing WHM up through the ranks. In the final party setup, Dime will be providing the musical inspiration to the rest of us as a BRD.


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